Prototyping and more Router Plane storage work

I’ve been continuing to work on the router plane storage but moving a little slower than I had been previously. Since I completed what I believe is the hardest part, the bit holder piece, Im starting to look into what else needs to be prototyped and designed before I can start thinking about layout. I…

The Torchio Model B pasta press

I received my Torchio Model B last week and I have to say that it’s a thing of pure beauty. It’s solid, well made, and works just as well as I had hoped it would. The only real catch at this point it figuring out how to mount it to the counter in a better…

Router Plane Storage – Bit holder

A few days ago I started work on a router plane tool holder for my soon to come French cleat tool storage wall. I decided to start with the router plane storage just since it was top of mind. It was also a great place to use the new Veritas router plane and try to…

Refining the pizza dough recipe

I’ve been working for a couple of years now on refining my pizza dough recipe for use on my Big Green Egg grill. Over those years a lot of work has been put into the actual cooking process while not a lot has been spent on the recipe itself. I found Ken Forkish’s Saturday Pizza…

A brief interlude on sharpening

While coming to grasps with my new router plane I started wondering about my sharpening setup. I got seriously into hand tool woodworking after spending many years in the power tool space. I started by building custom cabinetry and got hooked into woodworking. A few years ago I got bit by the “hand tool bug”…

Tool Organization – The Router Plane

So as I start doing more woodworking it’s becoming abundantly clear that while my workbench is huge – it’s not big enough to both work on as well as store tools. I’ve known for a long time that I needed to spend some time building tool storage but I’ve always put it off as something…

2022 Goals

I feel like this is a little trite – but Im going to try anyways. 2021 was a good year for me but there are lots of areas that I feel could use improvement. As per usual – writing them down seems to help me make sure I at least make an attempt – but…

Veritas Router plane(s)

I’ve been a long time user of the Lie Neilsen (LN) router plane. For some reason that I cant explain that tool is one of my favorites. It’s simple, and despite what is often said, has a ton of applications. I use it on tenon shoulders, dados, inlays, etc etc etc. One of the downfalls…

Starting work on Stool 2

I’ve finally found some time to start work on my next woodworking project – Stool 2. I had made my sister a kitchen stool as a 40th birthday present and while delivering it – noticed that she had two stools in her kitchen. AKA – she’d need/want another one to have a matching set. Well…