Designing and cutting hold down clamps

I finally got around to making a set of hold down clamps for my Shapeoko CNC machine.  To be fair – I already had a set of these that I made in haste right after getting the machine but they weren’t what I wanted.  So in this video, I walk through how I designed these…

Tracing an image to import into Carbide Create

It’s hard not to jump head first into cutting all sorts of crazy things on your CNC machine.  Trust me – I fight the urge almost everyday.  In this post/video, I wanted to tackle a simple project that highlighted how easy it was to use the Shapeoko and the Carbide 3d software.  This project is…

Making a threaded table for the Shapeoko XL

One of the first things I wanted to get done on my Shapeoko was to come up with a way to secure the stock to the wasteboard.  The most common way to do this is to drill holes in the wasteboard and put threaded inserts in.  You can then use bolts and clamps threaded into…

Drawing your own image with the Shapeoko

So you’ve just built your Shapeoko and likely ran the legendary “Hello World” marker project.  Hopefully that all went well.  But now what?  At this point – you have a working machine but you’ve only run someone else’s G-code file to print the Shapeoko logo.  I think a great next step is to do your…

Shapeoko XL – First impressions

As some of you know, I’m very interested in carpentry.  I’m also very interested in electronics so it seems rather natural that at some point I would wind up with a CNC machine.  To tell you the truth, the idea of owning one hadn’t even crossed my mind until about a year ago when my…