Tool Organization – The Router Plane

So as I start doing more woodworking it’s becoming abundantly clear that while my workbench is huge – it’s not big enough to both work on as well as store tools. I’ve known for a long time that I needed to spend some time building tool storage but I’ve always put it off as something…

Veritas Router plane(s)

I’ve been a long time user of the Lie Neilsen (LN) router plane. For some reason that I cant explain that tool is one of my favorites. It’s simple, and despite what is often said, has a ton of applications. I use it on tenon shoulders, dados, inlays, etc etc etc. One of the downfalls…

Starting work on Stool 2

I’ve finally found some time to start work on my next woodworking project – Stool 2. I had made my sister a kitchen stool as a 40th birthday present and while delivering it – noticed that she had two stools in her kitchen. AKA – she’d need/want another one to have a matching set. Well…

Finishing one side of the top

This past week I finished laminating the top and got one side of it pretty well flat. Some of my theories about the lamination proved wrong but Im relatively happy with how it turned out. The last glue up went pretty well… My theory had been that doing the laminations in small pieces would be…

Back at it

Hi folks. Long time no talk. Im going to try and post an update at least once a week here and see how that goes. A lot has changed since I last posted. I have a new job, we have another kid, and life in general just seems busier. That said – I’m going to…

Trimming the top

So I have the top mostly flat. I’ll admit that it looks good – but Im still learning my way around planes and I wasn’t getting the results I thought I should be getting. In either case – I think it’s good enough. So now that I have a sharp crosscut saw – it was…

A 2nd mortise and tenon

I found a couple of scraps of poplar in the basement and attempted my 2nd mortise and tenon. I have to say – Im much more pleased with this one. Its far from perfect – but it turned out way better than my first one. Working in hardwoods was much much easier than in whitewood….

My fist mortise and tenon

So I don’t mind admitting that I’ve become frustrated with the top Im building for the work bench. My decision to make one large flat surface by joining my two panels has left me stuck. I’ve been trying to smooth out two sides to glue up and have been failing miserably. So I decided to…

Making the 2nd top

Well – as things go – the 2nd top appears to be more difficult than the 1st top. I ran into all sorts of issues. I thought I had the hang of smoothing the edges of the boards before the glue up – and on some the process went quite quickly. However – on others…